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CISAC General Assembly 2024: extension of EKKI membership

The CISAC General Assembly, meeting in Seoul on May 30, endorsed EKKI as a Provisional Member entity of CISAC. This is tremendous news, which encourages a newly created entity like ours, which serves a cultural sector that works to become increasingly visible.

The CISAC secretariat contacted EKKI to continue the development work of our society, the application of CISAC requirements and to jointly face the challenges of improving the management of the rights of the creators.

The meeting, hosted by the music authors’ society Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) drawed CEOs, creators and staff from more than 72 societies and collective management organisations, representing all regions and repertoires of the world.

CISAC is the world's largest network in the creative sector, incorporating 225 member collective management organisations (CMOs) in 116 countries. Together, this global network represents more than 5 million creators in music, visual arts, literature, drama, and the audiovisual sector.

Topping the agenda in the 2024 assembly was artificial intelligence (AI), its impact on the future livelihoods of creators and how the creative sector and governments should respond. Discussions focused on CISAC’s work to shape copyright frameworks in order to safeguard creators so that AI tools can serve, and not substitute, human creativity.
